Sunday, 25 January 2009

Epsiode 75 - Race Duel S

Race Duel S is a simple "fits in your pocket" two player car racing game. It's a fun little filler that is fine for the whole family... if it's a family of two, that is.

The games Home Page
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The game at Board Game Geek ( files here )
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Download the show

As an extra, there's a short video on how I made the game.


Sunday, 11 January 2009

Episode 74 - Malaya V-Mail Postcard Game #1

The Malaya Post cad game is a tiny postcard size hex and counter boardgame for two players. It allows you to play out the Japanese invasion from WWII.

The game can be downloaded for free from
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The games page at BoardGameGeek
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Download the show


Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Special Episode 01 - Upgrades

In this special episode I quickly run over the list of print and play games that I've previously reviewed and let you know which ones have changed or been upgraded since I reviewed them.

Download the episode


Sunday, 4 January 2009

Episode 073 Bindle Rails

Bindle Rails is the first "Rail" game that I've reviewed. None of the classic 18XX type games appealed to me, but this solitaire game hit the right buttons.

The games home page
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The games page at BoardGameGeek
( )

Download the show
